Club Competition Description

Our club holds its competitions of the members.

Three entries are allowed for each Competition Type.
Digital competition is offered in two categories:
‘OPEN’ with multiple divisions (B, A) based on individual photographers abilities.
‘CREATIVE ARTISTRY’ competition (one division); Here is for makers to express them self.
See Format & Requirements for Digital Competitions, below.
Digital Size rules Submission: Images must be in JPG and scaled to Maximum of 1024×768 for landscape. 768×0000 high for portrait.
If you find difficult to resize with your software, at the ‘Members link page’ there is a free software to download and make it very simple.

Submissions are done by uploading your images to this website:
First you must login at ‘Members Login’.
User name and password are required. They are case sensitive.
Once logged, select ‘Competition UPLOAD’ and fill the spaces.
You may come back here as often needed to make changes, until closing time.
For more details in how to submit, see the ‘Uploading Guidelines’.
Use the back arrow in your browser to return to ‘The members page’
Fields to be filled are:
—Image File This field will allow you to search in your own PC fore a file to uload
—Image Title: Enter the title and please do not use symbols, like *’”@_&^%~.
Keep it short.
—Competition Type: Select the type of your image.
Color Prints and Mono Prints needs the files to be submitted here.
—Sequence: Drop down the Sequence option, click the sequence wanted.
Review when sending more than one image per category.
Recall, only 2 images per competition type.
Makeups are extra. See makeup rules below.
—Comments: (Comments are optional for Image 2, as Image 1, always has comments)
If we are short in time, this may not happen and Creative, assign or special competitions never have comments. See The comments policy below.
Makeups submissions are the chance to catch up in your entries.
In the second competition night of the season, makeups are available.
The maximum makeups per year are 4 per competition type.
In other words you can have 4 for digital or 4 for color prints and so on.
You can enter up to 2 makeup entries into any single competition category in a single night.
This rule will allow you to submit 2 makeups for digital, CA, in any competition night after the first competition night.
So in April you are short 3 entries, let’s say in digital, It is too late to catch up.
Only 2 will be allowed for you in that category that night.
Comments Policy
Comments are nice options in our club. Here is how it works:
All images submitted under DIGITAL and PRINTS, Image 1 will get a comment in the competition.
We ask not to abuse this option as it may call for too much time at the competition.
This will extend the competition time beyond our meting time.
Is there are too many request for comments or too many entries.
We reserve the option not to have comments at the competition in certain groups.
Under above circumstances, the first one to reduced comments will be A category and so on.
The option to ask for comments is in the website submission page along each submission.

Image Of the Year Competition
We have a final competition in May and is called Image Of The Year.
Is a competition to select Images submitted during the year with special award.
In order to compete, you must have had entered at least 1 image during the year.
You will receive an email with the images submitted for the year. Select 2 of them for the final competition in May
There are awards at every competition type and division. In our club we have 1st Prize, 2nd Prize.
The last competition will generate ‘Image of the Year 1st prize’ and ‘Image of the Year 2nd prize’

There is ‘Most Point Award’ in every competition type and division; The rule here is that you must participate with the maximum entries in each category type, in order to qualify for that competition.
Example: There were 7 competitions, you enter 14 in digital and 13 in color prints.
You qualify in digital, but not in color prints. The one with the most points, is the winner of that competition.